Dawn of Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans is a freemium mobile strategy video game developed and published by Finnish game developer Supercell. The game is set in a fantasy-themed persistent world where the player is a chief of a village. Clash of Clans tasks players to build their own town using the resources gained from attacking other players through the game's fighting features. The main resources are gold, elixir and dark elixir. Players can conjoin to create clans, groups of up to fifty people who can then partake in Clan Wars together, donate and receive troops, and talk with each other. Clash of Clans was released to positive reviews, garnering high ratings from many critics.
Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which players build a community, train troops, and attack other players to earn gold, elixir and Dark Elixir. There are four currencies or resources in the game. Gold and elixir can be used to build and reload defenses that protect the player from other players' attacks. Elixir and dark elixir are also used to train and upgrade troops and spells. Gems are the premium currency. Attacks are rated on a three star scale and have a maximum timed length of three minutes.
The game also features a pseudo-single player campaign in which the player can attack a series of fortified goblin villages and earn gold and elixir. The game has 2 'builders' by default, but the player can install more builders (maximum 5) by buying them at an increasing number of gems. Builders are important for upgrading any building. If all builders are busy upgrading a building, one has to either wait (if the player wants to upgrade a different building) for them to be free or complete another building's upgrade using gems.

Is clash of clans dying??

There's a lot to like here, to start with. The new setup addresses some of the major problems I've always had with Clash of Clans. The limited number of attacks in a day push back against the endless loot grind, and the emphasis on actually winning battles instead of snatching loot reduces the amount of time I spend with relatively boring collector raids and forces me to think more strategically about how I'm going to take apart a base. That's aided by a new wall system and new traps that encourage you to think about smart ways to snare attackers when defending, as well as smaller armies with more distinct abilities on offense. The main village in Clash of Clans is an unwieldy beast, and it's only become more so over the years. This update streamlines things
Under the new head-to-head system, a draw means that nobody gets any rewards, even if you pull off a perfect attack. This would likely cease to be such a problem in a later game with more complex bases, but there's not a lot of room for creativity in the early moments of both attack and defense. Each player has a small number of limited troops and defensive buildings, meaning that it's not that hard to pull off a 100% victory in many situations. Without any loot from that victory, however, you wind up trapped in a cycle of pointless attacks that don't bring you any closer to improving your chances on the next one. It's worsened by the fact that you hardly lose any trophies at all on defeat, meaning that you can't expect to fall down toward better-matched opponents very quickly.  This is especially marked in the earliest phases when you can't even clear debris to reorganize your base.
State of the Game

Ok, first things first – the summer update was a bad joke. Useless and I still don’t understand what Supercell did the last 2 months. Please don’t tell me they focus on other games – all their games have their own teams, and they work there without being influenced by other things.

However, it feels like they just threw something out to give us something and then close the doors for vacation. Right now there are some things that need to get addressed, and sooner than later:
  • Balancing! Some troops are horribly overpowered (Miners, Bowlers) and some are just not worth anything (Skeleton Spell, Clone Spell).
  • The Preparation Day in Clan War – remove it or make something different with it Supercell. Right now it’s simply a waste of time.
  • Cheating/Modding! Banning the accounts works, but some do use burner accounts they don’t mind losing and still use sandboxing. Supercell did some great first steps, but need to go down that road with all consequences.
  • Gameplay Features. We need something new and fresh. Tournaments, Daily Quests, whatever, just something that feels fresh and new again.

The Pessimists:-

When digging through all the people saying that Clash of Clans will die soon, I sometimes have to smile. First of all, it only transports a wrong impression. Don’t mind these people at all. 100 people crying about quitting the game and saying it will die are not making a game with millions of active players die. The other ones not quitting are simply not writing about it.
Let’s check the survey taken by Google that how many people type clash of clans into Google:
Does this look like a game that is dying to you? Actually, 5 times as many people search for Clash of Clans per month than 1 year ago.
It’s still the most played mobile game for almost 4 years now and with some improvements, it will stay this way for another 4 years. I never understood these people predicting the end or crying for weeks that they will quit. I had times when I wasn’t that motivated to play and I simply didn’t. At some point you will just get back to it – taking a break doesn’t cost anything. It’s not like breaking up a marriage – it’s a game. You can hop in and hop off when you want to. It’s not a lifelong decision that you have to play it every day or uninstall and delete it.
The game feels good and the problems are far fewer than half a year ago. The game is still alive and I believe that Supercell will get some good stuff out in the second half of 2016. Hopefully somebody there has read this post.
No! The game is not dying right now, just struggling.
